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Tom Wark’s Cider Journal reviews Pacific Coast Hard Apple Cider

New—Pacific Coast Hard Apple Cider

New to the craft cider marketplace (and distributed nationally), but not new to the art of fermentation, are the folks behind Pacific Coast Hard Apple Cider. The Pacific Coast brand is the creation of the family behind Scotto Cellars, a five generation California winemaking family. Paul Scotto is the winemaker for Scotto Cellars as well as the cidermaker for their Pacific Coast cider brand. He explain that their vision of great craft cider is one that, like wine, delivers balance, complexity, nuance, mouthfeel, and drinkability. It’s very difficult to argue with this. They use a blend of Granny Smith, Fuji, Red Delicious, Galas and Golden Russets to produce this craft cider. This hard apple cider should attract a good deal of attention as it rolls out across the country. It’s very attractive. Pacific Coast also producers a hard apple cider that is blended with a bit of Pinot Grigio wine, a brilliant idea that will come under review in the near future.

Read more at Cider Journal